These 5 minute Brain Break Activity Cards will give your students a break! A break that some of them so often need!
Give them 5/10 minutes to step away from ‘learning’. With these fun activity cards, students will ‘think’ they aren’t learning but having fun, of course, that isn’t true!
Task cards are FUN and educational! Many cover lots of learning areas; self-control, speaking and listening, creative form and much, much more!
These brain breaks are suitable for students of ALL ages.
This resource is FANTASTIC for students with ASD/Aspergers/ADHD and other SEN.
Have you ever asked your students what type of learners they are?
This lesson is great for PSHE and for getting to know your students better.
You may think you know what kind of learners you have but perhaps they feel different!
This pack includes posters explaining the different types of learning styles. Ideal to get the discussion going!
Included in this download are 4 ‘All About Me’ board games.
These board games make excellent games for centres and/or stations. Children enjoy playing these games in pairs or as a group- they work well in EFL/ELL classrooms and encourage speaking and listening.
This presentation can be used as part of a PSHE lesson, tutor time and/or for assemblies.
The presentation focuses on our differences, similarities and our feelings.
Ideal for EYFS/KS1
Students will love this colourful pack of posters outlining common spelling rules for nouns. Ideal for Literacy Areas.
Pack includes-
Adding -s, -es and changing y to i and adding -es.
Includes two different colour themes. One is ink heavy and the other ink friendly!
This resource has just got a revamp for September 2017! It now contains over 15 posters! If you purchased this resource before, you can download again for FREE!
These can be used for No Bullying Week which is taking place this year between the 16th - 20th November. Display around school and/or use for discussing Anti-Bullying with your students.
Posters encourage students to 'SPEAK OUT', 'STAND UP' and 'STAND TOGETHER'.
If you require worksheets and writing activities, I have a BUMPER pack for Anti Bullying in my shop.
You can find it here -
A presentation display pack on Growth Mindset for Students.
Can be useful at this time of year when children are starting to struggle, remind them that struggling means they are learning!
Included in this download is also a PDF Format with 10 posters to encourage a Growth Mindset in your classroom.
Assessment is changing- yes,again!
The NEW NC is being assessed for the first time in May 2016.
The KS1 SPAG 2016 ASSESSMENTS are currently still 'in design'.
The content of the tests is being drawn up from the statutory appendices that are already in place from 2014.
The test will consist of three parts; a short written task, it has been suggested that stimulus and prompts may be given. The second section will be themed questions, they may be represented in a number of ways and the third section will focus on Spelling.
All pupils at the end of key stage 1 will be expected to take all three papers. These will be marked 'in house'.
I've put together a 20 page 'mini assessment' covering all three areas.
File has been updated and now includes 29 pages.
This is the Second Workbook / Mini Assessment Book. You can find the first one below.
Included in this 12 page download are over 10 Questions to encourage students to have a Growth Mindset rather than a Fixed Mindset.
Additional-A4 page with all the questions included - this can be stuck into a homework diary, students should be encouraged to read it and answer the questions on a daily or weekly basis.
Ideal for PSHE/Tutor Time and/or Circle Time for KS1.
This fun Christmas Quiz is filled with lots of festive cheer!
Included in this download
One powerpoint presentation
-32 Questions (questions cover a whole variety of Christmas related things, music, movies, Christmas Dinner, Rudolph and more...)
Suitable for children aged 7-11
Merry Christmas! :)
Other Christmas Resources can be found here:
Christmas/Winter Emergent Writing Pack
Christmas Games
Winter Maths and Literacy Pack
Winter Writing and Poetry Pack
Elf Themed Activity Pack
It’s time to stamp out bullying before it begins.
Display these posters around school halls and rooms to encourage children to Speak Up!
Download includes-
A pack of 15 Anti-Bullying Posters in Colour.
Can be used all year round to encourage anti-bullying.
A prime part of the curriculum for the early years is PSE/PSHE.
This pack will help children to develop a positive sense of themselves and others, form positive relationships and develop respect for others. The pack includes 1 black and white and colour materials. These can be used for Literacy Stations/Centres and/or Circle Time activities.
The 42 page pack discusses characteristics and what makes a good citizen. This can be used in conjunction with the unit British Values.
For EYFS - colouring sheets clearly show children the types of things that they need to be doing in order to achieve good manners.
For KS1 - there are several writing activties.
An extensive pack-one that you and your students will love!
You can check out another PSHE pack here.
Manners (EYFS/KS1)
Are you unorganised? Do you find it impossible to have your file in working order? It's time to plan, create and stay classy and stylish at the same time!
File/Binder Covers
Calendars in Colour and B/W
I.E.P Templates
Class Schedule
Student Information
Parent Communication Log
Yearly Overview
Monthly Overview
Lesson Plan (A3 size two A4 to be printed side by side)
Daily Schedule (A4)
Student Birthdays
Important Medical Information
Trips/Outings/Permission Slips
Usernames and Password Template
How we get home (approved pick ups) + Student Transportation Details
Parent Communication Log
Parent/Teacher Conference Form
Reading Groups Template
Literacy Groups Template
Team Template
House Template
Math/Maths Groups
Assessment Cover Page
Other Templates include
Substitute Cover Information Page
Individial Section Covers include:
★Student Information
★Parental Contact Information
★Parent/Conference Notes
★Cause for Concern
★Weekly Insights
★Topic Overview
★Staff Meeting Notes
★Group Meeting Notes
★Social Studies
FREE Updates for LIFE
By purchasing this product, you will get FREE updates for LIFE. Only pay ONCE.
As I update this product, you will be notified and get all the updates for FREE! That means that this resource can be used from year-to-year without ever purchasing a new one! Updates will be available for you to download frequently and always in time for the following academic year.
You will NOT be disappointed! Check out the PREVIEW!
Please, leave some feedback! Much appreciated!
Merry Christmas!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
My shop will have a sale Christmas Eve AND Christmas Day for anyone who wants to grab a Christmas bargain!
Be sure to check out my January Writing Pack - perfect for that first week back. No prep needed!
If you are looking for something a little different, my New Year Activity Pack is great for going over those New Year resolutions!
Is there a particular resource you are looking for but cannot find?
Many authors do custom requests!
Contact me via email today if you need something custom made.